Jason Moore

Chemistry Essentials

The fundamentals of chemistry are a fascinating subject. They apply to almost all the other sciences as well. In this article I will do my best to explain these fundamentals so they are easy to understand.

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Jason Moore

One-Sided Limits Of Calculus

In a continuance of this series today, I wanted to talk about the one-sided limits of calculus. Limits and where they lead are one of the fundamental concepts of calculus. Since limits show what happens near any particular point on a graph we need to take a look at them. Read on with me and I will explain their behavior so you can easily solve them.

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Jason Moore

Planets Of Our Solar System

The planets of our solar system are as varied as is life on on our planet. We know that because Astronomers are constantly learning about our solar system. There is still so much to learn and it will be fun to try and keep up. This is an introduction to the planets of our solar system and if you have a burning desire to learn about space and everything inside it then keep reading and we can begin our journey.

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Jason Moore

Astronomy for Beginners: The Moon

The Moon has been up there in the sky looking back at us for as long as there has been a sky. Where did it come from? Why do we see only one side continually? The Moon is mysterious and I think we can all agree on that. There are many unanswered questions and the fact remains that many of them we just don't know. In this article I will try to answer some of these more common questions in ways that make sense.

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Jason Moore

Beginning Calculus Problems With Limits

Beginning calculus problems with limits of a function are a common teaching technique for young students that are just starting their journey in Calculus. Limits problems will help you understand how they work and what is going on when you encounter a function. Repetition is key here to get your brain used to thinking about what a function or a graph means. I include several examples below in order for you to practice and grasp the concepts.

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Jason Moore

Biology For Beginners: Themes Of Life

In this article Biology For Beginners: Themes of Life, I talk about the life that is fundamental to our world. Its characteristics and depth are amazing and worth our time to understand as well as possible. Since life ties into all things it only makes sense to further our understanding. Read more if you are curious.

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Jason Moore

Astronomy For Beginners: The Solar System

The solar system is very interesting. There are countless objects wandering around out there. We have learned much from even the smallest things like dust in space. The Solar System is a very complicated and busy place. To learn we measure everything we can and then compare constantly. That is the fun of it to me. I love looking at data and seeing how objects are different and all the ways in which they are the same.

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Jason Moore

Astronomy For Beginners: How Telescopes Are Used

How telescopes are used in modern Astronomy is changing every decade. We used to only use them to see objects with normal light. Now we can leverage our technology gains to see different wavelengths of light in the universe. This has opened up our studies with a lot more data than we previously had. This article talks about the different fields and categories of astronomy and what they mean.

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Jason Moore

Astronomy For Beginners: Guide to the Universe

When I was a kid growing up in Kentucky I always loved going out at night and seeing the sky. My home was very unpopulated and so had very little light pollution. The nearest town of 3 thousand people was about 15 miles away. So it was an incredible place to dream about what may lie among the stars. That was the start of my love for science, astronomy, and physics.

I have carried this with me my whole life and always wanting to learn more because I loved it. I have always wanted to write about it as a result. This is a short guide to the universe and includes the beginning topics. From here most of the advanced concepts come from these ideas and are developed more fully.

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Jason Moore

Beginning Calculus: Rate of Change

Rate of change in calculus is a series I have been wanting to do for a while. If you are a student and just starting then your in the right place. This is the very beginning of calculus and where you want to start your learning. Since there are so many topics in school that require some calculus, I felt it was important to get some basics up here for you.

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Jason Moore

Beginning Latex : Tutorial For Beginners

So you are writing a paper and you need to display formulas or math in it. Then this quick beginning Latex tutorial is for you. Your paper needs to be accurate and look good. You then go to your favorite word processor to type things out. It is then you discover, maybe for the first time, that regular text editors can not do math very well. You may be trying to display physics equations, biology genes, or chemical formulas.

Whichever it is, you realize you have to be super creative to even approach the accuracy that you want. At this point you will probably start asking around or researching the best way to do this. Well let me tell you folks, there is a better way.  This is when most people find out about the wonderful Latex typesetting environment. Read on and I will explain as simply as I can about Latex.


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Jason Moore

18 Basic Chemistry Concepts


Basic Chemistry Concepts For Beginners

This is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of chemistry. It is not meant to be an exhaustive resource but just something that you can look at to make sure you understand what is going on. This is ideally for those students just beginning with chemistry whether in high school or college. I am including basic concepts as well as some example problems. If you would like a primer on Biology then start at this post http://sciencebyjason.com/2016/03/purpose-dna-biology/
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Jason Moore

What Are Star Classifications And Their Life Cycles

What are Star Classifications

Have you ever wondered about star classifications ? Stars are classified based on their temperature, but started out being based on only their spectra. This classification process started in the 1890s by Edward Pickering at Harvard and was finished in 1901 by Annie Cannon, who worked for Pickering.


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Jason Moore

What Is The Purpose Of DNA In Biology?

Purpose Of DNA

Biology is one of those subjects that take a while to get used to. In college my classes were all full of prospective medical students and the occasional pharmacy major. So each class was full of hard workers. Despite having so many people around that were eager, some topics were hard to fully understand at first. DNA was one of these.
It stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is one of the first topics a biology student encounters that is unclear. It isn't really unclear though. It just does a lot of complicated things. It holds much of our biological data and it determines who you and successive generations will become. It is made up of the well known double helix you see plastic models of in all the labs.
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Jason Moore

How Modern Astronomy Evolved

How Modern Astronomy Evolved
Stargazing has always inspired people to wonder what was out there in the night sky. Some thought the stars were past relatives or ghosts. Others thought they were Gods. One thing for sure was that no one knew for sure. From the beginning of time this has been the case. We have always wondered. Even in modern times where we know many things, we still wonder how modern astronomy evolved. As science and technology evolved, our understanding of astronomy has increased steadily though. Stargazing will forever be popular and rightly so. How modern astronomy evolved will forever be a journey to people.
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